Prompt ITC
Power types: SPFit for hearing loss: moderate to severe
Types of cases: ITC
Process: DIGITAL
Signia GmbH Henri-Dunant-Strasse 100 91058 Erlangen GermanyBrief description:
The Prompt hearing aid offers extraordinary ease of wear and ease of operation in a wide range of hanging and soundtrack Click models. Prompt can cover all types of hearing loss. Suspension models offer varying degrees of amplification up to SP level for moderate to severe hearing loss.Accesories:
More informations:
Supplier for the Czech Republic:
Sivantos s.r.o.Molákova 576/11
186 00 Praha 8 – Karlín
Czech Republic
Supplier for Austria:
Sivantos GmbHHenri-Dunant-Str. 100,
91058 Erlangen - Germany
Supplier for Slovenia:
Neuroth slušni aparati d.o.o.Tbilisijska ulica 59
1000 Ljubljana - Slovenia
Common price CZ (Kč): 3 900,-
Common price AUT (EUR): 700,-
Common price SL (EUR): not available
Common price AUT (EUR): 700,-
Common price SL (EUR): not available
Model: Digital output
Fitting Range Life Tube: 45 / 124 dB
Fitting Range Ear Hook: 55 / 124 dB
Frequence Channels: 8
Number of Programs: 4
Directional microphones
Suppression of feedback
Sound Balance TM
Battery type 312