
Wrist receiver

Catalogue code: 2.35
Bellman & Symfon AB
Södra Långebergsgatan 30
SE 436 32 Askim, Sweden
Brief description
The Visit wrist receiver notifies you with vibrations when the doorbell or telephone rings, when your baby needs you or if the smoke alarm goes off. It’s smallest receiver from the production of Bellman and Symfon to date. Wear it around your wrist so you can always be reached.
Operating system
Radio frequency:315 MHz, 433MHz or 868MHz
BE1270 Bed shaker
BE9086 External trigger cable
More informations
Orange LED, pacifier symbol
The baby monitor is activated
Green LED, door symbol
The door transmitter is activated
Yellow LED, telephone symbol
The telephone transmitter is activated
Red LED, fire symbol
The smoke alarm is activated
Supplier for the Czech Republic
Tercio.cz, Skandor s.r.o., Husova 1250/71, 301 00 Plzeň, obchod@tercio.cz, tel:212 246 260
Supplier for Austria
Ihr ZubeHÖR, Otto Bauer Gasse 16, 1060 Wien, Austria
Supplier for Slovenia
Common price CZ (Kč): not available
Common price AUT (EUR): not available
Common price SL (EUR): not available

Mains power
7.5 V DC/1500 mA with power supply unit
Battery power
Receiver: 1 x 1.2 V V40H rechargeable battery
Charger: 4 x 1.2 V NiMH rechargeable batteries
Power consumption
Receiver: Active: 100 mA, Idle position: 3 mA
Charger: Active 650 mA, Idle position 70 mA
Operating and charging time
Receiver: ~30 h, Charging time: ~8 h
Charger: Backup battery charging time: ~24 h